First of all, has it REALLY been eight months since my last post? That is unacceptable! It is truly amazing how fast our lives move, isn't it?! Even so, I do try to soak up each day and be more aware of the small things. Having a daughter has really allowed me to view everything we take for granted (or never even notice) as a child might- with clear eyes, no judgement, and curiosity that is just so sweet it will make you cry.
For instance, a neighbor of my parents had some Bradford Pear branches piled on the sidewalk, awaiting pickup by the City of Atlanta. Walking by with Blakely (my daughter, 16 months old), I noticed the unusual coloring of the leaves. They were simply a gorgeous, rich cocoa hue that varied from what I can only describe as milk chocolate to dark chocolate! My first thought was that I'd love to go make brownies. My second thought, and fortunately the one I went with, was to create something with these leaves that would show them in a new light and celebrate them before they were taken away.
My resulting project is something that I'd love to try with other types of leaves, especially the stunning fall leaves that we are just starting to see around here...I present to you Leaflowers!
The Bradford Pear leaves, in all their glory! |
The only supplies you need are floral tape and acorns. |
Take a leaf and wrap the stem with the tape, rolling it between your fingers, adding new leaves as you go. I started with smaller leaves for the center and worked my way to the larger leaves. It was quick work, just a few minutes, and I had reached my desired shape and size.
Working the leaves in, petal by petal, to create a Leaflower. |
The floral tape, wrapped around and around each leaf stem |
The next leaf awaits |
When you are finished creating the flower, continue the floral tape to secure it to a twig that will become the stem. I wanted to add a center by gluing an acorn, but any little finding will do!
Secured to the twig/stem with the floral tape |
The finished Leaflower |
And there you have it folks, the Fantastic Leaflower. Now I know I'm not the first person to ever make this, but I just think it was a fun little project that would be easy to create with your kids. It may last a day, it may last many, but it reminds us (yes, us adults) that there is beauty lying on the side of the road. Just let yourself think like a child, and life will be beautiful.
My Leaflower has a permanent home in an apple juice bottle |