Today I received my much-anticipated Fall issue of Flower, the ultimate magazine for all things, well, flower! I love love love this quarterly publication (although I wish it were a little more frequent than that!) out of Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham is also the home of Southern Living, Cooking Light, and another favorite (now sadly defunct), Cottage Living.
In one section titled Design School there are step-by-step instructions and photos on how to put together a particular arrangement. For this issue, they recruited Amy Osaba, a talented Atlanta floral designer, to create a beautiful "cornucopia of color".
Pick up the magazine to see the gorgeous final masterpiece!
Also in this issue is a spread on the absolutely amazing outdoor fall "farm fresh" wedding of Elizabeth Shaw McWilliams, the daughter of Margot Shaw, Flower's editor. The floral designer for the event was Sybil Sylvester of Wildflower Designs who is also design editor of the magazine.

Again, pick up the magazine for more photos from this glorious wedding, along with fall florals by David Lavoy, and an interview with interior designer Bunny Williams (who has a knack for flower arranging, are you surprised?).
One more mention before I get back to reading... an article on the High Line, a public park created out of the abandoned and almost-demolished elevated railway on Manhattan's West Side. I've heard about this rail yard transformation elsewhere, but now I'm ready to take a trip to visit it for myself!